Advantages of a RotopaX LOX Pack Mount
The RotopaX LOX Pack Mount is a secure and versatile mounting solution designed to keep your RotopaX fuel or water containers safely attached to your vehicle. This Lox Pack Mount comes equipped with a built-in lock for added security (DLX Pack Mount is without lock), ensuring your packs stay in place during even the toughest adventures. The LOX Pack Mount is engineered for easy installation and durability, featuring robust construction to handle outdoor conditions. It’s the perfect solution for mounting your RotopaX containers on your campervan, ensuring you’re always ready to hit the road with essential supplies securely stored.
RotopaX Mount installation requirements
Simply mount the RotopaX 2 gallon diesel or water to any flat surface. Place the container on the mount, align with the container "dimples," and turn until tight. Our unique DLX handle design gives more turning power to keep containers tight against its mounting surface. Insert the Lock cylinder for security against theft while out on your adventure.
- Fits any Rotopax container (jerrycan)
- The difference between the pack mounts:
- DLX pack mount does not include a lock
- LOX pack mount includes a lock
Product disclaimer
The regulations for fuel/water containers on your vehicle are different per country. It is your responsibility to check what your country requires. Dutchvanparts does not accept any liability nor hold responsibility for the regulations you need to abide by or any problems you might encounter with this product.